速報APP / 健康塑身 / Southern LifeStyle Fitness

Southern LifeStyle Fitness





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:MINDBODY, Inc 4051 Broad Street, Suite 220 San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Southern LifeStyle Fitness(圖1)-速報App

Download the Southern LifeStyle Fitness App today to plan and schedule your classes! This mobile app is for members of the Southern LifeStyle Fitness Center only and can be used to view your onsite health and wellness offerings. View group training schedules, sign up for classes, schedule an assessment, view ongoing promotions and book other wellness events. You will also be able to check-in to the Fitness Center using this app. Download the app and optimize your time to take advantage of all the SouthernLifeStyle Fitness Center has to offer right from your device!

Southern LifeStyle Fitness(圖2)-速報App

Southern LifeStyle Fitness(圖3)-速報App